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Graffiti Brazil


In the past year, it has been almost impossible to pick up a magazine without reading about Brazilian graffiti superstars Os Gemeos (Portuguese for 'the twins'). “Graffiti Brasil,” a wide survey of Brazilian graffiti, introduces some of Os Gemeos’ São Paulo crew: Nina, Nunca, Ise, and Koyo, as well as lots of other interesting writers from São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Olinda, Belo Horizonte and Porto Alegre.

Additionally, the book deftly explores the indigenous Brazilian graffiti movement of pichação and its hybrid, grapixo. It also presents a history of Brazilian graffiti, including Barry McGee’s 1993 seminal visit in which he introduced many of the writers to American street styles. The book also looks at graffiti techniques as well as influences from milagres to breakdancing.

Written by Tristan Manco, the author of Stencil Graffiti and Street Logos; Ignacio Aronovich and Louise Chin, who run the amazing Brazilian photography site Lost Art; and Caleb Neelon aka Sonik, a great writer in both senses of the word.

Available at Thames and Hudson


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