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Mass Distraction

Mass Distraction is a thesis project from the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea. Agnelli Davide and Drori Tal designed 3 jackets that challenge the experience of balancing your attention between the friend right next to you and the person calling your mobile phone. We all know how rude some people can get when the cell phone rings– all of a sudden, mid sentence even, their attention shifts and it's as if you're invisible. The three jackets: Hood Jacket, Coin Jacket and Game Jacket each force an awareness of both the caller and the person in your physical presence.

The Hood Jacket In this jacket there is a mobile phone. In order to answer the phone, close the hood completely. The phone call continues, if you don’t try to open the hood.
The Coin Jacket In this jacket there is a mobile phone. In order to answer the phone, insert a coin in the upper-left pocket. The phone call continues, if you don’t stop to put the coin in the pocket.
The Game Jacket In this jacket there is a mobile phone and a videogame. In order to answer the phone, hand the game to your friend. The phone call lasts as long as he keeps on playing.


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