Link Culture

Medical Student’s Guide to Symptoms on Darker Skin

During his studies, second-year medical student at St George’s, University of London, Malone Mukwende discovered a lack of diversity and discussion regarding physical symptoms manifesting on darker skin tones. From information about red rashes to lips turning blue, Mukwende says, “It was clear to me that certain symptoms would not present the same on my own skin. I knew that this would be a problem for patients of a similar skin tone to mine, or of a darker skin tone in general.” Working with Margot Turner (lecturer in Diversity and Medical Education) and Peter Tamony (lecturer in Clinical Skills), Mukwende created “Mind The Gap: A Handbook of Clinical Signs in Black and Brown Skin”—a publication to help physicians recognize signs and symptoms appearing on brown and black skin. Throughout the process, faculty at the school found further issues with their educational materials and have vowed to work with Mukwende on decolonizing their curriculum. Read more at the Washington Post.

Image courtesy of Malone Mukwende

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