Link Culture

“Women For Life On Earth” Redefined Protesting With Beauty + Banners

When 20-foot-long missiles moved into the Greenham Common Air Force base in the 1980s, it was the last straw for a group of women in England and Wales. Thus, the collective Women For Life On Earth was born—and soon set out on a 110-mile march to Greenham, renouncing war and violence. Almost immediately, the women were met with ridicule, vilification and harassment. (One photographer even going so far as to attempt to take shots of “teenage girls’ legs and knickers.”) In a feat of tenacity and creativity, the collective—led by Thalia Campbell—made banners that blended history, art, politics and the craft of embroidery to continue their protest. Find out how Campbell’s protest banners utilized beauty and expanded to a global phenomenon on It’s Nice That.

Image courtesy of Four Corners Books

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