Read Design

Erwin Hauer



In the 1950s Erwin Hauer designed and built architectural screens that perfectly complimented the furniture, interiors and structures of that era. He created simple patterns out of complex sculpture that simultaneously sooth and challenge the eye.

Continuity and potential infinity have been at the very center of my sculpture from early on. I derived the notion of a continuous surface primarily from my studies of biomorphic form. This was greatly reinforced by my first encounter with the works of Henry Moore, who combined the dominant continuity of surface with an unprecedented cultivation of interior spaces within his sculpture. -Hauer

Erwin Hauer continues his work as a sculptor and is Professor emeritus at the Yale University School of Art. Much of his work has been forgotten, some even destroyed. I think it's time for a revival.

coverContinua is a gorgeous book that shows many of Hauer's installations (photographed by the artist) and lends some insight to his process. Buy it now from Amazon.

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