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Holiday Gift Guides 2018: Kids + Pets

Articles of distraction, instruments of creation and many more options for little loved ones

Courtesy of Shed Brooklyn

For years now, we at COOL HUNTING have grouped little loved ones—human and other—into the same gift guides and shopping categories. Of course, we recognize the substantial difference between children and pets, but there’s something undeniably wondrous about items developed for youthful humans, canines and felines. Whimsy and imagination often teach or train. Function exists beneath or because of layers of beauty. Toys, tools, articles of distraction and instruments of creation all represent a part of the design world defined by access. Whether you’re shopping for a toddler, a chameleon or both, there’s plenty of carefully considered options in our Kids + Pets gift guide—and even more options can be found in our BUY section.


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