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Up your home game on scaled-down ping-pong tables from the pros

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Borrowing its name 60 years ago from veritable German sports store Jooss and its Landau location, Joola is now synonymous with ping pong and standard for multiple world championship competitions. The brand also caters to amateurs as well, offering a variety of recreational tables that will fit anywhere from a Tokyo apartment or frat house.

Joola’s Midsize and Mini tables are great for practicing your moves or holding your own mini-tournaments. If you are tight on space but still want to perfect your drop shot, the Midsize—at almost six-feet-long—offers enough surface to seriously challenge your opponent. Measuring just three feet, the Mini makes a winning choice for table tennis-obsessed urbanites or children who are just starting out.

Both the tables are regulation height and fold up for easy storage. They each sell from Joola for $220 (Midsize) or $100 (Mini).


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