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Present&Correct’s Star Cards

Gaze into space from the comfort of your bedroom with these detailed celestial prints

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To sleep under a starry night sky is a tricky dream to fulfill for most who live in cities, though London stationery and design store Present&Correct offers a delightful alternative that’s much more tempting than sticking glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling. Simple but intriguing, the company’s Star Cards feature intricate diagrams of the stars at night, neatly aligned in white-on-black print.

The charts come in a rectangular or square shape, and show zodiac signs as well as familiar constellations like everyone’s favorite, The Big Dipper. Poetic yet informative, the graphic charts underline how sometimes the best design is made by Mother Nature. Find the Star Cards from Present&Correct for £19, with free international shipping.

Images courtesy of Present&Correct