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Vimeo Tip Jar

New tools for online creators to monetize video content


In the wake of their successful redesign our friends over at Vimeo are launching an exciting new tool and announcing another for the near future. Vimeo has always focused on providing its users with an exceptional level of customization options and the necessary tools to assist their productions, from the Vimeo Video School to their online music store. Now, they are taking it a step further by providing a tool for users to monetize their content. Released today, Tip Jar is the latest addition to the Vimeo lineup and promises to help creators (Pro and Plus users only) rake in a little extra scratch.


The concept behind Tip Jar consists of creating a crowdsourced system where fans can donate actual dollars to other users who have created content they admire. The ultra simple system, driven by PayPal, lets you donate any amount you choose, starting at $1. The idea is to help creators generate money to support themselves, but to do so as a natural extension of the Vimeo community without distracting pre-roll and banner advertising typical of other video sharing services. This is the first step in what Vimeo hopes will be a future of content that can be created, hosted and monetized directly from the site.

Vimeo is also announcing pay-to-view service for its Pro users. For the beta rollout beginning this fall, keep your eyes peeled for specially curated films from the staff. Similar to other video on demand platforms, Vimeo’s service, which should be active by 2013, plans to give creators the ability to set a price for their content to be sold and distributed through the site, tapping into the established Vimeo community to spread the word and get some cash. This has the potential to be a great tool for those creating educational content, feature length content or anyone who wants an easy to use and custom system for controlling the price and distribution of their films.

Head over to the Vimeo Blog for more info or just watch the launch video above.


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