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Fantastical Body Modifications at Simon Huck’s “A. Human” Exhibit

Body modification abounds. In fact, if you live in a bustling metropolis, you don’t have to pay to see lip fillers or botox or any of it. You’re simply bound to cross it. But that’s not what Simon Huck calls to attention in A. Human, an immersive exhibition taking place at 48 Mercer in NYC. Huck’s theatrical production company, Society of Spectacle (SOS), presents a futuristic version of body manipulation—from conch shells embedded in the human heel to a stole of thick human fingers. “We didn’t want to root any of our modifications on the idea of existing insecurities or discomforts,” he explains to Vogue. Rather, he explores the future of fashion—and self-expression. Read more about the experience at Vogue, or pop into the event which runs through 30 September.

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