Tag: Reading

Find all stories on Reading in this tag archive.

Toast Magazine


Readers won’t find restaurant reviews, recipes or overly stylized food porn photos in UK print magazine Toast; the long-form editorial content is neatly focused on personal narratives, artwork, history and other creative …

Lone Wolf Magazine Subscription


The unvoncentional biannual fashion magazine Lone Wolf presents a beautiful narrative that’s both fierce, lovely and supremely feminine. The latest issue pays homage to Parisian culture of the 1920s and ’30s, with …

Goodnight iPad


Although research suggests that viewing screens before bedtime may tinker with chemicals in the brain that promote a good night’s rest, studies also show we all regularly do this pre-slumber activity. Based …

The Plant Magazine


Out of Barcelona comes this bi-annual journal where each issue focuses on a single botanical species through photography, personal anecdotes, recipes, fictional stories and much more, from creatives with a penchant for …

The New Yorker NOOK HD Cover


Dress your Nook HD up in a classic cover from The New Yorker. Each of the images, exclusive to B&N, is printed on durable cotton canvas and features a suede interior lining.