Famous Objects from Classic Movies

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Famous Objects from Classic Movies

Guess the movie by just one picture in a new iPad app

A companion to the immensely popular website of the same name, “Famous Objects from Classic Movies” is an iPad app that keeps you guessing. Users are presented with simple silhouettes of iconic images from different films, which they must guess in order to move on. As their tallied scores increase players are rewarded with consecutive levels of movie buff recognition. An additional 30 titles over the website version bring the iPad app to 140 movies in all—perhaps not quite as much a time such as “Angry Birds” but potentially addictive nonetheless.

Challenges range from a fairly universal box of chocolates from “Forrest Gump” to a much more obscure jalopy from “Once Upon a Time in America.” Other examples induce hilarity, such as the band camp flute from “American Pie” or the over-the-shoulder banana hammock from “Borat.” Our advice to the stumped: remember your Jeopardy training and start with the common letters R-S-T-L-N-E. By the end, you’re likely to feel that all those hours noshing on popcorn were actually valuable trivia preparation.

“Famous Objects from Classic Movies” is available for download from the iTunes App Store. The first three levels are free with the option to purchase the full app.

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