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Me.dium is like being given a piggyback by someone surfing the web. The interface sits as a sidebar on your Firefox browser (a version for Microsoft Explorer will soon be released) and at the top of the window, you can see which sites other Me.dium users are currently looking at. If anything takes your interest, like Frogger you can leap from your surfing session to theirs, and follow them as they explore the web. Don't worry though, no-one can follow you to sensitive sites such as online banking or email.

We found it really gratifying as we navigated to Cool Hunting and about four users swiftly followed us. On the flipside, we linked up with someone who was looking at some good stuff on YouTube. With a widget you can add to your site that shows visitors what you're looking at, Me.dium takes the surfing experience to the next level, making it less hidden and more open—but only if you want it to be. Web 2.1 anybody?

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