Fashion Photography Next

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Fashion Photography Next

A survey of 35 emerging photograhers from 14 countries

As time has shown, those who document fashion are oftentimes as influential and culturally significant as the individual designers themselves. While Bill Cunningham and Richard Avedon have long since secured their place in history, the continued evolution of print, digital and social media has opened innumerable doors for the current crop of emerging fashion photographers. Photography curator and writer Magdalene Keaney recently culled 35 emerging behind-the-lens talents from 14 countries for her newest book, “Fashion Photography Next.” Throughout the tome, she dives into what makes each photographer noteworthy—with plenty of striking, glossy images, of course.

The very contemporary work of French photographer Laetitia Hotte harnesses a certain aesthetic that’s at once recognizable and foreign, formal yet expressive. By shooting primarily in studios with color-blocked backdrops, her subjects are free from influence or scenic diffusion. In contrast, American Chad Moore—Ryan McGinley‘s protégé—tends to favor spontaneity to structure, with work that captures a sense of exploration and discovery. In addition to those two standouts, the comprehensive survey also looks at works by photographers Jürgen Teller, Axel Hoedt, Hanna Putz, Mario Testino and more.

With 272 bold images in color and black and white, “Fashion Photography Next” offers an insightful look at the up-and-coming landscape of photographers working within the fashion industry worldwide. Visit Thames & Hudson to purchase for £25. Those in Amsterdam can see the works in full form in the corresponding exhibition—”Don’t Stop Now: Fashion Photography Next”—on view through 7 September 2014 at Foam Museum.

Images by Cool Hunting

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