Horace and the Rough Stuff Fellowship

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Horace and the Rough Stuff Fellowship

Crossing Iceland’s moonlike central desert—past and present

Long before bikes got fat tires, full suspension and carbon fiber frames, the urge to push the pedals off road found its way into the hearts of riders. One group, the UK-based Rough Stuff Fellowship has united such riders for decades, since a time when crossing rugged terrain was truly for the dedicated adventurer. “Horace and the Rough Stuff Fellowship” tells the story of Horace Dall, an astronomer who—80 years ago—single-handedly crossed Iceland’s moonlike central desert in his suit and tie, solo, with just a napkin-sized map and the stars as his guide. The film tells Dall’s story as well as the like-minded adventurers who came after him, only to find it had (sort of) been done before. The film, with its stunning high-definition shots of the landscape, examines the eternal questions: Why do we go off road? Why leave the comforts of home? Are there any new adventures to be had? The answers of course (if there are any) lie in the hearts of individuals. And—as the film suggests—if you keep looking, you’re already there.

Check out the full short film above and visit Infinite Trails for more adventure films.

Video courtesy of Infinite Trails

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