Yumemi Kobo: Dream Workshop

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Yumemi Kobo: Dream Workshop

Takara, Co.
, the inventers of the Bowlingual
doggie translator, have a new device in the works… a machine that lets you design your own dreams. Yumemi Kobo, which translates to dream workshop, is bringing science fiction one step closer to reality.

Prospective dreamers are asked to look at a photo of what they would like to dream about and then record a story line into the Yumemi Kobo, or "dream workshop". The machine uses the voice recording, along with lights, music and smells, to help them direct their own dreams during periods of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, Takara Co said. Sleepers are woken up gently after eight hours with music and lights that stimulate sunlight so that users of the gadget do not forget their dream in the shock of waking.

via bbc news

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