Refinery29 Fall/Winter 2008 Playlist

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Refinery29 Fall/Winter 2008 Playlist

After a long wait, our friends at Refinery29 bring us their latest seasonal playlist. If you're like us, as the sun begins to set earlier and earlier, you start to become a bit of a homebody and listening to music is a big a part of that. So, we hope these 16 tracks inspire you to have some friends over and pass around the sounds of some of these incredible bands, including Flying Lotus and Final Fantasy.

We Have Band: "You Came Out" Kind of like if an early '80s post-punk group decided to get rid of all their equipment and just use a Casio keyboard. There probably were bands who did that, but we like that these guys are doing it now.

Leila: "Little Acorns (featuring Khemal and Thaon Richardson)" We wish that more Iranian women would make weirdo hip-hop tracks. Is there some government department we could write to about that?

Flying Lotus: "Parisian Goldfish" We always thought that Parisian goldfish just smoke Gitanes and hang around county fairs. It turns out they also make drum and synthesizer future jams…learn something new every day.

Morgan Geist: "Ruthless City" It's all about the bassline in this one. Perfect for headphones and aimless wandering around Manhattan.

Air France: "Collapsing At Your Doorstep"We were going to keep this one off the Playlist because it's so hard not to put it on repeat. "Sorta like a dream…no…better."

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Drawing by April Lee

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