Premiere: TV Baby’s “Beware the Holy Whore”

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Premiere: TV Baby’s “Beware the Holy Whore”

A colorful, surrealist dance party set to synth-driven pop rock

As a nun dances across the rainbow-painted Salvation Mountain in TV Baby‘s brand new music video for their track “Beware The Holy Whore,” directed by Stephanie Cerini, the song provides a gyration-worthy soundtrack to the surrealist visuals. The NYC-based duo, comprised of former A.R.E. Weapons members Matt McAuley and Brian McPeck, refers to the track as a “late Velvet Underground guitar jam on a bed of analog synth” and the association fits. From the aforementioned guitar work to the lead vocals, the tune’s sonic spectrum calls to mind the art rock stylings of Loaded. It’s fun, first and foremost, but delving deeper reveals “some gentle suggestions on how to roll with the punches.” McAuley and Peck have an illustrious creative history that straddles the worlds of music and art—from free-jazz and no wave groups to an art book/album hybrid release and compositions for NYC gallery Gavin Brown’s Enterprise—but this track hails from their first official (or more traditional) debut album under the moniker TV Baby. The record Dignity Don’t Dance was produced by former The Rapture member and multi-instrumentalist Gabriel “Druzzi” Andruzzi and will be released 9 June.

Video and images courtesy of Deus Records

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