Weekend Warrior

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Weekend Warrior

Most commonly known as weekend getaway for the West Coast elite, Ojai, California is also the location for a month-long art exhibition opening this Saturday. Curated by Beautiful/Decay, "Weekend Warrior" features the work of eight diverse artists who work in a wide variety of media.

Some highlights are Case Simmons and Andrew Burke, whose super-detailed digital landscapes employ thousands of images taken off the Internet and can have a dizzying effect on the viewer (example above right, click for detail). Far removed stylistically, but equally engaging is Robbie Conal's drawings. He makes overt satire out of cultural and political figures that can both funny and indicting. Other featured artists include Tony de los Reyes, Ruby Osorio, Steven Shein, Vanessa Chow, Allison Miller and Robert Olsen.

Weekend Warrior
Opening reception: 12 July 2008, 3-6pm
12 July-10 August 2008
tel. +1 805 646 2750

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