Connecting Creatives Online With “Pair Up”

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Connecting Creatives Online With “Pair Up”

Though commonplace, mentorships and networking events pose challenges stemming from timing, location and cost; they may also be downright daunting for many creatives, which is why a new online iteration called Pair Up exists. Founded by design director Myles Palmer, the platform aims to connect creatives online so they can workshop projects, ask for and offer advice, and simply discuss their challenges within the industry. Palmer (who has worked with Frieze Academy, Ivy Park, and many more) says that the project has already garnered plenty of positive feedback and he’s thrilled with the results. “Everyone has something different to offer, a different perspective or viewpoint on problems, and for me the fact that we aren’t prioritizing one person’s opinion or sessions over another is really great,” he tells It’s Nice That, where you can find out more.

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