Occultist TC Conroy’s Conjure Candles

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Occultist TC Conroy’s Conjure Candles

Summon psychic energies and let your intentions flow with powerful spells set in wax

After half a year of feeling like our world has been turned upside down, it’s understandably becoming trickier to keep afloat—mentally and economically. One way to summon some positive vibes is by tapping into new spiritual energies via Conjure Candles. Cleansed, blessed and dressed by renowned life coach and occultist, TC Conroy, each candle is infused with a powerful spell to help jumpstart your intentions.

Conroy currently offers two types: Cash will banish a lack of funds and bring about a quick monetary injection, while Protection will surround you in a psychic barrier of safekeeping. Both come with an instructional guide on how and when to let it burn to maximize the magick.

The pyramid-shaped Conjure Candles are all hand-poured in colors specific to the incantation, and “fully fucking loaded” by Conroy herself. You can buy them online for $33 each.

Images courtesy of TC Conroy

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