Interview with Tristan Blair

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Interview with Tristan Blair

Forget the latest Louboutin, Miu Miu or Gucci pumps. For those seeking the most original in higher-end designer footwear Australian Tristan Blair has you covered. Sporting sharp and cutting-edge designs with the highest quality materials, the part Sydney, part Perth resident has become the cutting-edge Manolo for the next generation. CH caught up with the man set to make style-starters scream with delight.

What are you listening to as you answer this?
Belle and Sebastian

What's your latest collection about?
It's all about rock and roll. I listened to a lot of "Chuck Berry" whilst in the sampling process. I also spent a lot of time researching people and music from the era that he rose to greatness in.

Why shoes? Why not something else?
Shoes are an outlet for me. I only had eyes for shoes, I suppose, however I am doing a clothing line as well now, which is really exciting. I am loving it. It's great to be able to be involved in more than just one aspect of fashion.

Do you think the "no pain no gain" applies to all heels?
Not at all. Comfort is the main objective when manufacturing shoes for the boutique market. If a shoe is not comfortable very few people will buy it. Being a shoe designer is the art of mixing design, innovation and comfort.

Do you feel naked when you see other people's bare feet?
I think it's good to take a barefoot walk now and then but you have to be close to the ocean.

Do you have standards with your shoes? Would you mind if someone with bunions wore them?
I don't think some one with bunions could get into a pair of my shoes. Maybe if they really wanted to they could modify a pair for themselves.

What song has always got you toe tapping?
I go through real phases of music and am forever changing the CD'S in my car. So there is no real one song but if I had to choose it would have to be "Great Big Kiss" by Johnny Thunders.

What's your biggest inspiration?
Friends, history, future.

One look in fashion you're totally over?
I am a bit over fluoro and yardages.

Where can we buy your stuff?
The list is on the web site.

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