Jill Greenberg: Ursine

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Jill Greenberg: Ursine

The latest subject to get photographer Jill Greenberg's black-belt photoshop treatment are members of the Ursidae family. Known for her images of crying babies and more recently for her portraits of monkeys, the bear series continues to explore themes of humanity, emotion and duality seen in her previous work. Like with her other subjects, the bears express a range of often contradictory feelings, running the gamut from menacing to positively charming.

The new models required outdoor shoots in Canada (for behind-the-scenes footage watch our video) and the resulting large-scale photographs, retouched in Jill's trademark painterly way, undermine the beast's ferocity with hyper-realist sentiment.

Also running concurrently at the same gallery, Jill's "End Times" series of hysterical babies is not to be missed.

Jill Greenberg: Ursine
Opening Reception: 11 October 2007, 6-8pm
11 October-24 November 2007
521-531 West 25th Street
New York, NY 10011 map
tel. +1 646 230 0020

Also on Cool Hunting: Jill Greenberg: Monkey Portraits, Jill Greenberg: End Times

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