Coco Café

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Coco Café

A bold new beverage mixes coconut water and coffee to brilliant ends

Here at the CH HQ, we have a bit of an obsession with coconut water and coffee. While it never occurred to us to combine our two favorite beverages, a new drink called Coco Café out of California has found synergy among this unconventional pairing. The hydration and health benefits of the coconut water balance out the natural metabolic boost from the espresso coffee, making this a great restorative option for the demands of daily life.

The flavor experience of Coco Café is what you might expect from an iced latte. The low-fat milk doesn’t drown out the bold espresso taste, and the coconut adds a slight nuttiness to the finish. Coconut water is chock-full of benefits for long and short-term health—high levels of electrolytes and potassium keep your body balanced, and the antioxidants stave off free radicals over time. As for the espresso, the organic fair trade beans have enough punch to get you through even the most taxing routines.

The concept for Coco Café was born when surfer and yoga practitioner Elan Eifer needed something to get him through early morning yoga classes. Eifer found the natural goodness of coconut water a perfect complement to espresso’s energizing effects. His erstwhile roommate and restauranteur Brian McCaslin had faith in the concoction and the two set out to create the world’s first coconut water cafe latte.

Coco Café is available for purchase online and at select Whole Foods locations.

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