Hurom Slow Press Juicer

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Hurom Slow Press Juicer

A consumer-grade juice press machine now available for home kitchens

We drink a lot of juice at CH. Pressed juice is always our preference because we find it better tasting and more nutritious than that made with traditional juice machines that shred. While it’s easy to get our hands on great pressed juice in NYC, it’s not readily available everywhere. And while there are some great traditional home juice machines, the industry-standard juice press machine, the—Norwalk Juice Press—is pretty big and costs around $2,500, making it a pricey option for most consumers.

For those in cities without a great pressed juicery or who simply prefer to juice at home, there’s a new wave of more accessible home presses. We tried a few, and our favorite is the Hurom Slow Juicer. Unlike traditional home juicers that shred food at high speeds and collect the juice, the Hurom Slow Juicer works slowly as it pushes food through its corkscrew-like cylinder, gradually compressing it. The result is more juice, more vitamins, less waste, and an easier to clean machine. We were really impressed with how easy it was to use and to clean.

We liked the Hurom’s pitchers are contoured to the base to minimize kitchen mess and have handles for easy storage—a feature missing on other models we tried.

We were impressed by how quiet the Hurom was. The juicer’s funnel top and accompanying press allowed us to efficiently stuff our ingredients with nominal prep work, and the Hurom quickly and happily pressed a variety of fruits and vegetables from leafy greens to juicy citrus to chunks of ginger.

We tried two different juice recipes—one a combination of kale, apples, lemon and ginger, and the second spinach, cucumber, pineapple and jalapeño. We found the ginger in the first recipe very refreshing and enjoyed the tartness brought by lemons and apples. In the second version, the jalapeños added a spicy kick to the pineapple’s sweetness.

Our juice came out frothy and smooth, free of chunks and fibers, and the minimal leftover waste that collected reiterated just how much goes into the final, drinkable product. Our office mascots Otis and Logan enjoyed the vegetable and fruit waste, which would also be welcome in any compost bin. A huge improvement on older generations of home juicers that shred, the Hurom is remarkably easy to clean—to get the job started, the machine features a self-cleaning function that helps loosen pulp trapped in the strainer basket.

The Hurom Slow Juicer is available for $358 and can be purchased through Hurom’s site or at Amazon.

Images by Josh Rubin

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