Pipcorn’s The Chili Lab Popcorn

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Pipcorn’s The Chili Lab Popcorn

A spicy, zesty take on the hulless snack favorite

For over two years, Pipsnacks‘ Pipcorn has won over everyone from attendees of Williamsburg’s Smorgasburg to Oprah—and for just cause. The tiny, hulless popcorn kernels are really tasty, non-GMO, and can be quite inventive, as the brand continues exploring new flavors. Made in small batches by a brother-and-sister duo in Brooklyn, Pipcorn offers a range of subtle flavors that, while zesty don’t become overwhelming. While their Kettle flavor might be the most popular, Sea Salt, Rosemary and the decadent White Truffle are all edgier options. But with The Chili Lab, Pipsnacks has made its fullest flavor yet, balancing an addictive spiciness with light citrus notes. It’s billed as a medium spice, but definitely ignites some mouth tingles. As a testimonial, the bag hardly survived five minutes during the CH taste test.

Pipcorn is hand-popped and the flavor really is something special, making these delectable treats beyond what you’ll get at the movie theater. Purchase Pipcorn’s base range from Pipsnacks online, where a pack of three is $18, and find additional offerings at select retailers.

Images by Cool Hunting

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