International Design Duo Craig & Karl + Fabricator Dan Conway’s “Holey Moly” Desk

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International Design Duo Craig & Karl + Fabricator Dan Conway’s “Holey Moly” Desk

Ideas transmitted across the Atlantic come to life as a bright piece of furniture

Processed with VSCO with au5 preset

Australian design duo Craig & Karl—the collaborative pairing of NYC-based Craig Redman and London-based Karl Maier—bring together bold ideas for illustrations, installations and various other mediums. Their patterned, geometric, and colorful output often carries optimism and accessibility. Such is the case with their brand new Holey Moly desk, designed during international shelter-in-place directives. Brooklyn-based Dan Conway fabricated the desk by CNC-ing baltic birch plywood and applying colored laminate veneer onto the surfaces. He also embedded knockdown hardware for simple transportation and installation.

“We traded drawings and messages with Dan at DCC until we’d settled on the design and worked out any potential fabrication limitations,” Craig & Karl explain to us. “Once fabrication began, Dan sent photos and videos from his studio so we could comment and make adjustments as needed. Small things needed to be tweaked during the process, but luckily the finished design remained mostly unchanged from the original idea.” The pop-art referencing piece will be made to order, for anyone interested in taking one home.

Images courtesy of Craig & Karl

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