Tag: MIT

Find all stories on MIT in this tag archive.

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Via phys.org

NASA and MIT’s Shape-Shifting Wing

Hundreds of identical polyethylene resin components form a new airplane wing developed by NASA and MIT. These shape-shifting pieces can morph during flight to form the most efficient wing for the existing …

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Via fastcompany.com

Ori’s Robotic Pocket Closet

The MIT offshoot company Ori is hoping to make small living spaces feel and function better with the help of robotics. Their “shape-shifting” walk-in wardrobe (called Pocket Closet) can be bought online and …

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Via washingtonpost.com

Robot Chefs at Boston’s Spyce Restaurant

Billed as the world’s first restaurant featuring a robotic kitchen that cooks complex, customizable meals, Boston’s Spyce utilizes seven automated cooking pots in place of chefs. These devices can deliver complicated, primarily …

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Via npr.org

Extracting Water From Thin Air

Even scorching desert landscapes have water molecules floating in the atmosphere. Until now, the technology required to extract them has required vast amounts of energy. But a scientific duo from MIT and …

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Via gizmodo.com

MIT’s Gooey 3D Glass Printer

The brilliant minds at MIT’s Mediated Matter Group have released a hypnotizing new video of their latest invention: a 3D printer that uses molten glass as its medium. Created in collaboration with …

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Via nytimes.com

LiquiGlide in Elmer’s Glue

LiquiGlide, the company that created a lubricated inner-coating for bottles, has just announced that Elmer’s Products Inc. signed an exclusive licensing agreement to use its coatings. Elmer’s will be the first company …

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Via fastcodesign.com

MIT Reimagines the Power Cord

MIT’s Tangible Media Group—the university’s experimental arm—has come up with a way to turn the cords of our everyday electronics into functional interfaces. Inspired by the way people knot, pinch and kink …