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Conscious Forms Egg Acoustic Speaker


The Conscious Forms collection by Junior Phipps shows this British designer having fun at the intersection of form and function. Each of his light and speaker designs take on tactile and curvaceous forms, but these shapes also help them to function in flexible ways. Take the Egg Acoustic for example, which looks more like a Brancusi sculpture than a speaker. It's made from layers of plywood carved into a form that clearly wants to be handled and so it should be. The rotund base sits on a freestanding metal structure which allows the speaker to be tilted and faced in any direction.

Phipps tells us that the speaker is, "fitted with near field reference monitor loudspeakers for use in professional environments, where quality acoustics are paramount, the Egg acoustic can be used for both public and domestic spaces and comes in a wide choice of colours. It was developed in collaboration with Godden Acoustics"


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