Read Culture

Mike Brodie


I love Polaroids. And everyone out there who believes that you need a lot of fancy equipment to take great photographs needs to look at the wonderful Polaroid pictures of Mike Brodie, aka The Polaroid Kidd.

Brodie left home at 18 to travel the rails across America, and found himself spending three years photographing the friends and companions he encountered with a Polaroid SX-70 camera.

"Photography has made me what I am. It pulls me in all directions. It gives and takes friends, and pushes me to move miles and miles. My desire to photograph these people in the beginning is what led me to develop such great relationships with them; some being relationships that will last clear on 'til the day I die. I'm really lucky 'cause I never used to be this social."

Brodie’s pictures are authentic and show the beauty of some of America's most overlooked people. These are images captured by a member of the tribe and through a sympathetic lens.

You can see more of his pictures and see a list of upcoming exhibitions on his website.



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