Tag: Smartphones

Find all stories on Smartphones in this tag archive.


Fujilink Printer


With 800 by 600 pixels and 318 dpi in each print, the new Fujilink printer creates real-life photos from your smartphone, all while being incredibly portable. With a print-from-video option, there are …

Link Tech
Via qz.com

The Race for an African-Made Mobile Phone

With the hope of being the primary provider of high-speed and long-lasting mobile phones throughout Africa, telecom companies, governments and upstart entrepreneurs in various nations across the continent have announced their intention …


58mm Lens


Compatible with any of Moment’s photo or battery cases, this 58mm lens is a high quality telephoto attachment that improves your phone’s camera capabilities. This means users can capture 2x or 4x on …

Link Tech
Via washingtonpost.com

France to Ban Smartphones at Schools

It began in 2017: French officials imposed a law that limited how frequently and in what manner employers may contact employees outside of office hours. Now, the French government is setting their …