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Kent Rogowski: Love=Love at Jen Bekman and 20×200


"Love=Love," the amazing series of puzzle collages by Kent Rogowski we featured in January will be exhibited at the Jen Bekman gallery in New York City from 7 May to 14 June 2008. The show will display a selection of the original collages as well as six large scale photographic prints based on the altered puzzles. In association with the exhibit there will also be a limited edition print, "Untitled #9," available for sale from 20×200.

Rogowski's works are composites created from pieces of photographic puzzles which are cut from the same die but feature unrelated images. The result are surreal compositions which are beautiful yet disorienting. Gallerist Jen Bekman describes the work saying "the discordance that results from the recasting of these clean, bright, relentlessly happy representations of flora, blue skies and exotic lands quite literally fractures the over-saturated, hyper-real imagery that’s so characteristic of our modern mass culture; it takes the American obsession with order, newness and perfection, and recasts it as mayhem and unreality.â€

We expect the limited edition prints at 20×200 to sell quick, so hustle over there now if you want any chance at it.

Opening reception 7 May 2008 6pm-8pm
7 May -14 June 2008
Jen Bekman Gallery
6 Spring Street
New York, NY 10012 map
tel. +1 212 219 0166

Also on CH: Kent Rogowski


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