Link Culture

3D Schröder Staircase Wins 2020 Illusion of the Year Contest

The 16th annual Best Illusion of the Year Contest, hosted by the Neural Correlate Society, crowned a 2020 first prize winner this week. Japanese mathematician Kokichi Sugihara’s 3D Schröder Staircase wowed judges with its ingenuity. The Schröder Staircase (aka Schröder’s Stairs) is typically done in 2D on paper with ink or pencil, but Sugihara deciphered a way to render the illusion in real life and debuted the final product in a YouTube video that accompanied his contest submission. The 2020 contest called for video entries “featuring novel illusions (unpublished, or published no earlier than 2019) of all sensory modalities (visual, auditory, etc) and/or cognitive nature.” See more at Core77.

Image courtesy of Kokichi Sugihara

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